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How Much Do You Know about Cellular Wireless?

Cellular wireless technology has provided us with the freedom to connect anytime and anywhere. It enables easy mobility from place to place and makes everything simple and hassle free. There are many wireless networks available like GSM, CDMA, WLL, PDC etc. These networks are equipped with the latest technology which allows secure data transmission over long distances.

Wireless Networks: The most popular wireless technology used is the GSM, CDMA, UMTS. These three networks are widely used by the masses. You may either get these networks through your service provider (ISP) or can also use the on-the-go (OTG) Wi-Fi device available in the market.

CDMA: This type of wireless network operates on the principle of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). In this case, the signals that need to travel through physical layer are converted into radio waves. The strength of the signals depends upon the frequency of the base station, which helps in selecting the channel. As such, this kind of network is available only in the central areas and quite weak in the outlying areas.

CDMA: The CDMA technology operates on the principles of Access Control Management. Basically, it enables the transmission of authorized information from the base station to the mobile device. As such, this wireless technology is quite similar to the CDMA. As such, it is confined to a certain range. Moreover, the strength of the signal is also quite weak as compared to the other wireless networks.

WLL: Also known as Wireless Local Area Network, WLL provides connectivity to only a selected few areas within a radius of 100 meters. It is considered to be the fastest method of connectivity available. It is similar to the CDMA and operates within the same principles. However, there is an important difference – the range is much more and therefore, more reliable. This wireless technology is available in many countries around the world and is extensively used for both personal computers and laptops.

PDC-P: This wireless networking is another form of a cellular wireless network. Just like WLL, it operates within a fixed range and transmits authorized information between devices and computers. As such, PDC can be considered to be the standard range for a home wireless network.

Some other important wireless technologies include the FLEX, ATM, ISDN, and ISD shares. FLEX stands for Fair Exchange Active Transmitting Networks. It can be considered as a mobile access point with a built-in Ethernet port. On the other hand, the ISDN works like a modem access point and is commonly used in area networks.

Hidden node problem happens when a device uses a different radio frequency from the one intended for the network. As such, the device generates interference. To solve this issue, wireless networking devices employ what are known as repeaters. These repeaters act as a second line of defense against hidden node problem and are often employed in various small scale private networks. As such wireless networks are a great way to connect two or more separate areas.

One type of a mobile communications system that is commonly seen around people's homes is the base station. The base station is an important component in any cellular network. The base station facilitates communication between various nearby mobile phones and various other sources such as the Internet or cellular phones. It also controls the overall operation of the entire system.

The common base station used in cellular phone networks has a rectangular box at its base that is about the size of a garage. The rectangular box is housing the main electronic device that controls the operation of the base station. This device is known as the SSID or the Short Name Server. The SSID is similar to the network's address name which is used by all the other devices in the network. This helps to ensure that no mistake is made in the log printing and that transmission of data is secure.

Another type of base station is the Multi-Site Base Station. It has more features compared to the base station. A Multi-Site Base Station has a single unit that is housing multiple units or phones. In a Multi-Site Base Station, a single base station is linked with several units or phones through a Wide Area Network (WAN) which allows them to exchange information easily.

Another form of base station used in a wireless network is the MPLS or Multi Multisite Linking Service. It is a newer technology which is becoming popular in recent times because it offers a cheaper solution for a single user and multiple users at the same time. MPLS is also linked to the base station, which enables them to operate in synchronization. MPLS allows for a single base station to link up with several different units through the Internet.

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