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Understand The Background Of Cell Service Now

With more people are relying on cell phones and having more disposable income than ever before cell service providers are struggling. To compete in the marketplace they are offering deals, incentives, special bundles and even sometimes better rates than their competition. In San Francisco California this has led to companies like Rakuten. Rakuten is a Japanese company that started making cell phones in America and then later on expanded into Europe and Asia. Now Rakuten provides mobile accessories and handsets along with cell phones. Here we will take a quick look at how Rakuten and its new phones can help you.

For many years most cell phones simply came with the standard ring tone and no other features. Now with more cell phones being developed by companies and being marketed directly to consumers like Rakuten, you can get a lot more than just the standard ring tone now with some online retailers. The first thing you can do is try out the new browser extension. There are plenty of online retailers that offer the Rakuten browser extension free with your order.

The reason why I say that the extension could save you money is because with the extension you can browse the Internet at different speeds. Say for example you want to read about an interesting book, but have no idea where it's located or what it's about. You could use this feature to search the Internet. For instance right now there is a lot of information about the new movie “The Pirates of the Caribbean” available. That could be your prime source of entertainment and information if you're interested in it.

Another reason why I love Rakuten and the new phone accessories is because it allows me to turn my cell phone into a fully functioning eBook reader. So instead of looking down at the small display on my phone I can actually look up passages about the book. This makes reading books on your cell phone into an all new experience. And as I mentioned before that there are plenty of online retailers that sell these products for free with any purchase of your Rakuten plan.

Now if you've done any research online at all, you will realize that Blackberry and other similar handsets aren't exactly cheap. This may cause you to wonder if there is a way that you can save money and still have the cutting edge technology that you need to stay ahead in today's society. Well there is! The best way to do this is to visit one of the many online retailers that cater to cell phone service providers.

An example of such retailer is eBay. Not only does eBay have thousands of sellers that offer cell phone accessories, they also have a cash back browser extension installed on millions of their listings. So not only can you save money but you can also earn cash back from most of your purchases, which really adds up over time!

Another place you should definitely check out for the best deal on your next cell phone is Google. Yes, you read that right. They have an awesome cell phone service for you to choose from called Google Fi. What's even better about this deal is that you can get Fi for free with any Google search, so there really isn't any reason not to go with it.

These are just a couple of the places that you can find the best deals on new phones and cell phones. If you use your imagination, a few hours' time spent surfing the net can easily save you a ton of money on your next mobile device. Plus, the big four cell phone service providers all have free ways for you to sign up for services, add accessories and basically save yourself a bundle when you sign up for a new phone. What more could you ask for?

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